Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Day two of complaining. I have very few friends. It's whatever. But lately my closest friend, Sawyer (I call him Edward) has been making comments about my intelligence, the way I raise Mak. Just poking fun at me, and I know it's all in good fun and he thinks it's amusing, but it really gets under my skin and hurts. I can't just laugh it off. I don't quite know how to deal with it, and it's making me contemplate just further retracting myself from a social life. I don't like not talking to people, but it doesn't do me any good whatsoever.

I'm just so over everything right now.


  1. Sometimes people make mean "jokes" as a way of trying to make themselves feel better. I used to have a friend who did that to me - she would joke about my cooking ability, my "lack" of common sense, etc. in ways that were mean, but when I said something serious about it, it was always met with a "jeez, can't you take a joke?" type attitude. That's passive-aggressive, and I've learned to steer clear of people who are like that. Not saying that's the case with him, since I don't know him. Have you thought about having a serious talk with him and telling him certain things need to be off-limits to joke about? If he doesn't respond well, you know where you stand at least.

  2. I've let him know that it does hurt my feelings, and he does respond as "take a joke" attitude. Today is just even worse because I went to lunch with him and another and they spent the whole hour putting me down (jokingly, of course) and just making me feel inadequate.

  3. Part of being a friend is respecting one another's wishes, and if you've asked kindly for him to stop and told him it bothers you, then he's not behaving as a particularly good friend in my opinion. :( Friends should make you feel better, not worse.

  4. Unfortunately, he's just making me feel pretty crappy.

  5. Boys are icky! I think we need to stick to that motto. Then again, there's Rhyan. And she's not a boy. But she's icky too! LMAO! Cheer up honey! Things will be better for both of us one day and remember VEGAS!

  6. Vegas can't get here fast enough..
